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What You’ll Need

You might want to take a few minutes to get this information together. Our hope is that your podcast will reach thousands of people. Just a little time up front will make sure your podcast is inviting, well defined, and easy to find.

Podcast Name

Something short and easy to remember.

Podcast Description

This should be the details of what listeners can hope to find when they listen to your podcast.

Profile Photo

“Your eyes should see your teachers” (Yishayahu 30:20). A picture will help listeners connect with you. A well lit profile shot would be perfect.


These are words or phrases people might search for to find your podcast. For example, these are some tag words that might be used for a Daf Yomi podcast: Torah, Daf Yomi, gemara, Talmud, shiur, daily

Something short and easy to remember.

This should be the details of what listeners can hope to find when they listen to your podcast.

“Your eyes should see your teachers” (Yishayahu 30:20). A picture will help listeners connect with you. A well lit profile shot would be perfect.

These are words or phrases people might search for to find your podcast. For example, these are some tag words that might be used for a Daf Yomi podcast: Torah, Daf Yomi, gemara, Talmud, shiur, daily

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