Rabbi Yossi Katz
Rabbi Yossi Katz, a New Jersey native, joined Anshe Chesed in 2021. Rabbi Katz studied for three and a half years in Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh in Eretz Yisrael and continued his studies at Yeshiva University earning a Master’s in Jewish Philosophy from the Bernard Revel Graduate school. He is a musmach of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) of Yeshiva University, where he studied under Rabbi Hershel Schachter and Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh. He comes to Anshe Chesed after having served as a fellow in the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago. Rabbi Katz is also a chaplain with the Linden Police Department
Rabbi Katz is being joined by his wife Emma and their two children. Emma, also a New Jersey native, was born in Highland Park, New Jersey and attended Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Judaic Studies and Education from Stern College for Women, and her Masters degree in Jewish Education from Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. Mrs. Katz participated in the Bellows Eshkolot Tanach Educators Program at Matan Yerushalayim, learning both Tanach content and new and innovative educational methodology from leading Jewish educators. Emma is the Director of NILI, the Chicago institute of women’s learning.
Mishna Yomi
A daily Mishna Yomi podcast with Rabbi Yossi Katz of Anshe Chesed of Linden NJ.
Contact me at rabbikatz@anshechesed.org
Sunday Morning Shiur
Rabbi Soloveitchik on The Parsha
Mishnah Berurah Daily
Going through one page of Mishnah a day. Five days a week
Shiurim on Tefillah
Amud Yomi
Amud Yomi

Today’s Torahcasts are sponsored by Mr. Shlomo Cohen in the merit of refuah shleimah for Mordechai Moshe ben Rachel Leah
This Week
This week’s Torahcasts are sponsored by the Berman family of Los Angeles, CA in honor of the marriage of their son David to Sarah Segal of Ceaderhurst, NY.
This Month
This month’s Torahcasts are sponsored by the Berman family of Los Angeles, CA in memory of their mother Rivkah Tziporah bas Yaakov Shmuel