Rabbi Aryeh Leib Zell
Rabbi Aryeh Leib Zell grew up in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. He davened in Bais Yisroel of Rugby under the guidance of Rabbi Avigdor Miller ZT”L. He learned in Yeshiva of Staten Island under the guidance of Rabbi Reuven Feinstein Shlit”a as a Bochur and then went on to learn by Reb Dovid Soloveitchik in Eretz Yisroel. After his marriage, he learned Halacha in Yeshiva Emek Halacha under Rabbi Tuvia Goldstein ZT”L. After the passing of Reb Tuvia, he went on to learn in MTJ under Reb Dovid Feinstein, ZT”L, where he got Semicha from Reb Dovid. He then continued to follow this Derech by learning under Reb Dovid’s contemporary, Rabbi Elimelech Bluth ZT”L. His concentration was to gain an understanding in Halacha and Hashkafa from these Torah Giants. He is now a Rav at Khal Bais Hillel in Kensington, Brooklyn. He runs a Kollel located in Yeshiva Torah Temima in Brooklyn. He gives weekly Shiurim in Bitachon in Bais Medrash Lutsk in Lakewood, NJ. He has a Bitachon Hotline that has over 100 Shiurim and is followed by many listeners.
Acquiring Bitachon
Concepts and tools to help people acquire a feeling of closeness to HaShem and Bitachon.
Parsha Insights and Inspiration
Weekly Parsha shiur given by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Zell
Bitachon Shorts
Brief and inspiring shorts from Rabbi Zell’s shiurim on bitachon and developing a constant and meaningful connection with Hashem.
To listen to the full shiur from which the short was taken, use this link to access the “Acquiring Bitachon” podcast by Rabbi Zell and search for the shiur that has the same numbers as the short: https://link.chtbl.com/mtj7j8F-.
The Life and Legacy of R. Dovid Feinstein Zt”l
A glimpse into R. Dovid Feinstein’s practical understanding and clarity of pask halacha and all that it entails.

Today’s Torahcasts are sponsored by Mr. Shlomo Cohen in the merit of refuah shleimah for Mordechai Moshe ben Rachel Leah
This Week
This week’s Torahcasts are sponsored by the Berman family of Los Angeles, CA in honor of the marriage of their son David to Sarah Segal of Ceaderhurst, NY.
This Month
This month’s Torahcasts are sponsored by the Berman family of Los Angeles, CA in memory of their mother Rivkah Tziporah bas Yaakov Shmuel