R’ Shlomo Katz
Shlomo Katz is the founder and author of Hamaayan / The Torah Spring, a weekly compilation of Divrei Torah on the Parashah, Haftarah and Jewish holidays. First published in 5747/1987, Hamaayan was one of the earliest Torah publications on the Internet.
Mr. Katz, who works professionally as a lawyer, teaches classes in Gemara, Halachah and Machshavah and oversees the Kemp Mill-White Oak Eruv in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Daf Yomi
Shlomo Katz is the founder and author of Hamaayan / The Torah Spring, a weekly compilation of Divrei Torah on the Parashah, Haftarah and Jewish holidays. First published in 5747/1987, Hamaayan was one of the earliest Torah publications on the Internet.
Mr. Katz, who works professionally as a lawyer, teaches classes in Gemara, Halachah and Machshavah and oversees the Kemp Mill-White Oak Eruv in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Ein Yaakov
Ein Yaakov is a compilation of the Aggadeta, the stories, and other non-legal portions of the Talmud. In this series, we search for moral and philosophical lessons and beliefs that our Sages conveyed to us through these passages.
This series was originally delivered at Southeast Hebrew Congregation in Silver Spring, Maryland from October 2017 through December 2018.

Today’s Torahcasts are sponsored by Mr. Shlomo Cohen in the merit of refuah shleimah for Mordechai Moshe ben Rachel Leah
This Week
This week’s Torahcasts are sponsored by the Berman family of Los Angeles, CA in honor of the marriage of their son David to Sarah Segal of Ceaderhurst, NY.
This Month
This month’s Torahcasts are sponsored by the Berman family of Los Angeles, CA in memory of their mother Rivkah Tziporah bas Yaakov Shmuel