Rabbi Eli Reingold
Rav Eliyahu Reingold, Rosh Kollel in the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, spent many years learning in the Telshe Yeshiva and Kollel where he was recognized as one of their foremost talmidim. He taught in the Telshe Mechina before coming to the Yeshiva of Greater Washington. He is a noted Baal Halacha and Baal Mussar, serving as a well-respected posek for the Yeshiva and community. Besides his responsibility in leading the Kollel, he delivers a high level shiur to advanced students, and provides many halacha shiurim throughout the year. His heartfelt weekly mussar shmuess in an inspiration to all.
Parsha Inspiration
In just 5 minutes per week you can gain a valuable shot of inspiration from the weekly parshah. Rabbi Eli Reingold, a widely respected posek and rosh kollel, will leave you with thoughts you’ll want to learn and share with your family and friends, over Shabbos or anytime.
Yoreh Deah & Nosei Keilim
Topics in Yoreh Deah are the mainstay of learning for smichah worldwide. Now on podcast for the first time, learn these classic sugyos of halacha with Rabbi Eli Reingold, a widely respected posek and rosh kollel. Follow inside to be guided in the Mechaber, Ramah, Shach, and Taz.
Parsha Perspectives
Embedded in the parshiyos every week are priceless lessons for life. Join Rabbi Eli Reingold, a widely respected posek and rosh kollel, on a weekly journey through a topic of relevance that allows us to pause, reflect, and bring our lives more closely into alignment with the Torah’s wisdom and beauty.
Amud Yomi
Learn Gemara at a daf-per-day pace that will allow you to see the development of each sugya and absorb arguments of the gemara with Rashi’s enlightening comments. This shiur is given with clarity and comprehensiveness by Rabbi Eli Reingold, a widely respected posek and rosh kollel.
Sichos Mussar
The “Mussar Schmuz” or “Sichas Mussar” has been a fixture of Yeshiva life for well over a century. Those on a path of Torah growth seek a deeper understanding of their inner workings and how they can refine and renew their lives of ruchnius/spirituality. The Sichos Mussar of Rabbi Reingold, a widely respected posek and rosh kollel, will give you a powerful opportunity for self discovery and self development.
Everyday Halacha in Depth
Halacha means “To Go” or “The Way We Should Go”. We live halacha on a daily basis, but may not understand the breadth and detail of many halachos so critically relevant to our everyday lives. Take some time with Rabbi Eli Reingold, a widely respected posek and rosh kollel, to explore halacha with context, comprehensiveness, and clarity.

Today’s Torahcasts are sponsored by Mr. Shlomo Cohen in the merit of refuah shleimah for Mordechai Moshe ben Rachel Leah
This Week
This week’s Torahcasts are sponsored by the Berman family of Los Angeles, CA in honor of the marriage of their son David to Sarah Segal of Ceaderhurst, NY.
This Month
This month’s Torahcasts are sponsored by the Berman family of Los Angeles, CA in memory of their mother Rivkah Tziporah bas Yaakov Shmuel